Lefty Lucy by
Eric Harvey Brown

Lefty Lucy is a Renaissance Renegade, using her variety of skills in a range of Artistic Fields. She thrives when working in collaboration with others to connect people and build Community. Find out more about her through video features, podcast interviews, and articles!


photo by Jenny Bai

W?RK Episode 1 :

Lefty Lucy,
burlesque dancer

Bicephaly Pictures presents an original web series about New Yorkers who have turned their passion into a profession. In Episode 1, meet Lefty Lucy.

Photo by Josh Andrus

I’m a Cover Girl!

Sure, it’s for an academic revue, but it’s a cover nonetheless!

Get your copy of the latest issue of Revue Francaise: "UNDOING NAKED TRUTHS: NUDITY ON STAGE" to read my interview with Annette Saddik .

Photo by Xena Zeitgeist

Lefty Lucy in

the Village Voice

The Village Voice has been a staple in New York’s alternative press for decades. In 2013, Reporter Meredith Rosenberg featured Lefty Lucy.

Lefty Lucy in

Paradise Magazine

From 2013-2016, Paradise was an art book disguised as a magazine. Celebrating artists, musicians, style, and culture. For their second issue, BB Gunn interviewed Lefty Lucy for a 4-page spread. Now, the magazine is a collectible, but you can still listen to the interview!

Lefty Lucy interviewed by

Comics Alliance

Epic Win Burlesque burst on to the scene in Gotham City (or Metropolis if you’re in to DC mythos) and took the city by Storm! In 2010, Comics Alliance caught up with a couple of the troupe’s original members to discuss Nerdy Burlesque.

Photo by Chet Overall